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Dust bag/skeleton professional disassembly and installation service

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In view of the problems that often occur in the process of bag changing, disassembly and installation of dust remover, which leads to the phenomenon that the service life of the newly replaced cloth bag is not as long as the service life of the original cloth bag and the discharge of the dust remover is high, our company offers professional disassembly and installation services.
Through professional disassembly and installation, the following can be achieved:
1. Be careful when removing the keel, so that the keel will not be deformed, and check the keel. Repair and reuse the damaged ones twice to avoid damaging the filter bag with burr in the process of use;
2. After the filter bag is removed, clean the flower board to avoid the residue damaging the bag mouth or falling into the filter bag;
3, the installation of filter bag is accurate and in place, good sealing;
4, can coordinate the inspection of the injection system;
5, the construction period is controllable, the personnel is controllable, all the certificates;
6, the whole operation process is safe and reliable.

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